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Opatovsky’s Lab
Insect Nutrition and Metabolism
October 2022 - Lilach Ben-Mordechi visited Prof. Gialuca Tettamanti in Varese, Italy, to study the enzyme production in the BSF gut.

July 2022 - Zach Vitenberg presented his work in the International Congress of Entomology that was held in Helsinki, Finland
January 2022 - Dr. Mani Kannan started a Post-doc in our lab - Understanding the metabolic interactions between BSFL and the fungi in their gut
November 2021 - The lab received ISF grant - The super power of fungi: unraveling their metabolic effects on insects in a decaying environment
July 2021 - Asaf Gerber started his undergraduate project - The effect of oleic acid in the diet on the BSFL fatty acid composition - good luck
May 2021 - The lab first publication - Does consumption of baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) by black soldier fly (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) larvae affect their fatty acid composition? - For many more to come!
January 2021 - Tovi Ben-Mordechai started her MSc - Treating agricultural wastes using the BSF - Good Luck
October 2020 - Zach Vitenberg started his MSc - Assessing the fungal composition in the BSF gut and its effect on the larvae - Good luck!
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